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 file sharig

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Royal Geek
Royal Geek

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file sharig Empty
PostSubject: file sharig   file sharig Empty3/25/2014, 17:58

Once before I started trying to figure out the file sharing and got distracted by other issues.

Now I am trying to figure out how to share files between my desktop and laptop.
I am doing it both because I want to be able to do it , and also just to figure out how to do it.

They are both set up wit the same user.
I do not want to use HOMEGROUP to do the sharing.
I do not want to use public folders.
I would like to be able to share just certain files under any of the folders on my user created data partition.
I want to share only with the one user and just with my laptop.

I managed to get it to share a folder but not to limit to specific files in that folder.

I have tried a number of things and nothing seems to let me share just specific files with just the one user on my laptop.
I have tried it with simple file sharing turned on and with it turned off.

I have done so many things I can not remember what happened each time.

One thing - is that when setting permissions- I can not find a way to set the user name to //laptoppc/laptopuser/
it can not find it. Since the user names on the 2 pcs are the same.....

Wondering if there is any information you can give me on this.
This is not critical that I do this. I do not mean for you to spend time trying to figure it out.
Just if you know, maybe you can help me work it out.


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Site Administrator
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file sharig Empty
PostSubject: Re: file sharig   file sharig Empty3/25/2014, 22:09

fay47 wrote:
Once before I started trying to figure out the file sharing and got distracted by other issues.

Now  I am trying to figure out how to share files between my desktop and laptop.
I am doing it both because I want to be able to do it , and also just to figure out how to do it.

You need to study Tut#27 and Tut#30 in the Tutorials forum. You need to be familiar with the concepts and steps in these 2 tutorials in order for you to follow my instructions below and be able to do what you want to do.

They are both set up wit the same user.
I do not want to use HOMEGROUP to do the sharing.

I do not want to use public folders.

Tut#27 tells you how to set up a WORK network. You will end up turning HOMEGROUP off. This will also allow you to share with your Win XP machine if you so desire. In Advanced sharing settings of your network, you need to select "Turn on Network Discovery" and "Turn off public folder sharing."

I would like to be able to share just certain files under any of the folders on my  user created data partition.
I  want to share only with the one user and just with my laptop.

I think you can set up a password for the one user and not the others, but I also think this only works in a HOMEGROUP network setup, not a WORK network.

I managed to get it to share a folder but not to limit to specific files in that folder.

I have tried a number of things and nothing seems to let me share just specific files with just the one user on my laptop.
I have tried it with simple file sharing turned on and with it turned off.

You can isolate the files you want to share to a specific folder and not include any others. If you don't want to do that, i.e., if you want to keep all files in the folders they are currently in, share the folder that they are in with Everyone and set permissions for Everyone to Full Control in the folder. This permission will then apply to every file in the folder. Then, right-click each file you don't want to share in that folder and select Properties > Security Tab > Advanced button and take ownership of the file if you aren't the owner. Then, remove "Everyone" from the permissions list (you'll have to uncheck "Include inheritable permissions from this object's parent" to do this), which will block access to everyone including you, but as the owner you will still be able to change the permissions. Then add yourself back to the permissions list, select "Include inheritable permissions from this objects parent" and give yourself full control. Then, only you will be able to access the files you do this for on this machine.  

One thing - is that when setting permissions- I can not find a way to set the user name to   //laptoppc/laptopuser/
it can not find it.  Since the user names on the 2 pcs are the same.....

See my last comment.

Wondering if there is any information you can give me on this.
This is   not  critical that I do this.  I do not mean for you to spend time trying to figure it out.
Just if you know,  maybe you can help me work it out.


I think maybe you are overly concerned about security and that is complicating what should be a simple solution for your home network. If you have your router set up properly with a secure Security type and Encryption type and a strong Security Key to gain access to the network from outside if you are using a wireless network, then I don't see any security issues for allowing the computers on your network to talk to one another and share all folders and files that you want to have access to, regardless of which computer you are currently working on. That is the way I have had my network set up for years and have never had a security breach. You can harden the security of your network by including the mac address of each computer as a requirement for gaining access to the network, and don't allow the SSID of your wireless network to be broadcast.

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Royal Geek
Royal Geek

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file sharig Empty
PostSubject: Re: file sharig   file sharig Empty3/25/2014, 23:39


I am reading you tutorial and need to ponder it for awhile. I am no longer concerned with sharing with my XP computer I am getting rid of it , that is why I got the laptop.
Yes, I have had a router even before I had wireless. And after I got the wireless, set it up with security with encryption and a strong password.
With your information , I can probably do what I need to , just may not be able to limit it the way would like. But that probably is not important.
I will have to think on all this for a while and play around with it.

I have heard before about using the real admin account ,but had no idea how to do that .
Thanks for including that.

Thanks for all the information.

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Site Administrator
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file sharig Empty
PostSubject: Re: file sharig   file sharig Empty3/26/2014, 08:57

fay47 wrote:

I have heard before about using the real admin account ,but had no idea how to do that .
Thanks for including that.

Thanks for all the information.

To enable and access the real administrator account:

1. Open the command prompt (cmd) window and type the following at the prompt:

net user administrator /active:yes

2. Close the command prompt window. To access the administrator account select Start > Switch User. This takes you to a login window where you will see an icon for your account and an icon for the administrator account. Select the administrator icon to enter the administrator account.

3. When finished in the administrator account, select Start > Log off. Be sure you do this and not Switch User unless you intend to go back and forth between the 2 accounts in a short period of time. This will take you back to the login window. Select the icon for your account to get back into your account.

4. Open the command prompt window and disable the administrator account with the following command at the prompt:

net user administrator /active:no

Close the command prompt window.

Note 1: You do not want to keep the real administrator account active unless you intend to use it frequently and you give it a strong password. You will have to be in the administrator account in order to assign it a password.

Note 2: It is best not to be logged on to 2 accounts for an "extended period" of time as it has been known to affect performance. If you intend to be in the administrator account for a long time, you can "Log off" your account instead of using "Switch user". Always Log off the administrator account and disable it unless you intend to return to the administrator account within a short time. In that case, you can use "Switch user" so you aren't constantly required to log on.
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Royal Geek
Royal Geek

Number of posts : 1480
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file sharig Empty
PostSubject: Re: file sharig   file sharig Empty3/26/2014, 23:03

I am playing around with the file sharing.  I  understand that I probably do not need to do what I am trying to do, just want to see if I can get it to work.  
(Maybe that is the programmer in me -just got to try to get stuff to work  LOL)

Thanks for all your input, now I will just have to play around with it. It is not really important just want to see what I can do.

I need to makes notes of some of this stuff  including  about the real administrator account and put where  I can find it.

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Royal Geek
Royal Geek

Number of posts : 1480
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file sharig Empty
PostSubject: Re: file sharig   file sharig Empty3/27/2014, 20:20

I think I am almost thru playing around with this for now. I have them both set to work networks. I do have a question. If I do take the laptop some place away from home, should I temporarily change the network from work to public?

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Site Administrator
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file sharig Empty
PostSubject: Re: file sharig   file sharig Empty3/27/2014, 21:13

You don't need to change the name of the network, just declare whatever network you are connected to as a public network;

Open Network and Sharing Center > Work Network > Public Network > Close Network and Sharing Center
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Royal Geek
Royal Geek

Number of posts : 1480
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file sharig Empty
PostSubject: Re: file sharig   file sharig Empty3/27/2014, 21:31


Should I leave it as a work network at home and only change it to public if I take it somewhere?

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Site Administrator
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file sharig Empty
PostSubject: Re: file sharig   file sharig Empty3/27/2014, 22:48

Yes Fay, my last post was meant for only when you are traveling and connect to a network other than your own home network.
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Royal Geek
Royal Geek

Number of posts : 1480
Registration date : 2008-10-17
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file sharig Empty
PostSubject: Re: file sharig   file sharig Empty3/27/2014, 23:10


That is kind of what I thought , but just wanted to check.
Thanks so much for all your help.

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