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 windows 7

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Royal Geek
Royal Geek

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windows 7 Empty
PostSubject: windows 7   windows 7 Empty9/8/2014, 20:26

One article I found says mainstream support for win 7 will end jan 15, 2015, and extended support will end jan 14, 2020.
I think that I read that the extended support would supply security patches even for regular users.
SO, I should be ok with my win 7 machines for quite some time -is that correct?
I am no where near being ready to upgrade.

Just curious, did they extend support for XP - looks extended support did not end till Apr this year ?

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windows 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: windows 7   windows 7 Empty9/12/2014, 11:19

Well, as long as we get the critical updates, 2020 is plenty of time. I worked on a computer with Windows 8 for my nephew recently, and I don't like it, but I guess with time I can get used to it. I prefer to stick with Windows 7 for as long as possible. For Win XP, I did my last update in April and haven't checked since. Maybe I will, just to see if anything is out there.
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Royal Geek
Royal Geek

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windows 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: windows 7   windows 7 Empty9/12/2014, 15:12


That is one thing I am a bit confused about as to whether regular, non-business, customers get the security updates in the extended support phase. Some things I read, sounds like we do , and other things I read, make me questions that.
Since mainstream support for win 7 ends in Jan, makes me a little nervous. Do you know for sure if us normal folks will get security updates in the extended support phase?

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Site Administrator
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windows 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: windows 7   windows 7 Empty9/12/2014, 17:30

Fay, I just downloaded critical security updates for Windows XP - a current update for Windows Defender, a 5/1 update for IE8, a 4/8 cumulative update for IE8, a couple of critical windows updates dated 4/8, and a current version of Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool. Maybe I missed the 4/8 updates somehow, but not the one for May because I did my last Windows XP update in April, but not sure of the exact date. I am quite certain critical updates for Windows 7 will continue through the extended support phase just as they did for Windows XP - no need to panic!

As far as Windows 7 goes:
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Royal Geek
Royal Geek

Number of posts : 1480
Registration date : 2008-10-17
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windows 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: windows 7   windows 7 Empty9/12/2014, 19:18


That is good to know about Win 7.

This computer is 4 years old, not sure how long it will last, but certainly in no hurry to get a new one.

I have an application I wrote myself in Visual Fox Pro and am concerned that at some point a version of windows may drop support for it. I use it for my checkbook and have over 20 years of data in foxpro's .DBF tables. (It actually started out as a foxpo for dos application) I know there is commercial software, but mine is customized to do things the way I want. Does not do all the fancy stuff that the commercial software does, but does things the way I want - including letting me set up "envelopes" (accounts) for my check data. I really like FoxPro and its command window that I can run commands from and not have to write a program for everything I want to do. The thought of not being able to use it -urghhhh - do not know what I will do if that happens.

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