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 System Restore for Windows 7

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Royal Geek
Royal Geek

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System Restore for Windows 7 Empty
PostSubject: System Restore for Windows 7   System Restore for Windows 7 Empty5/21/2015, 00:37

Hey Repa,

I can't remember ever doing a System Restore since I've had Windows 7. Recently I was going to do a SR in win 7, but, didn't have a restore point available that I wanted, so I passed on doing it.

I just read the problem Fay had "loading pages with upgraded internet service", it sounded like if I wanted to do a System Restore using my Windows 7 I would experience problems with my Avast.

It sounds like anyone with Windows 7 is required to set a daily System Restore Point if we expect to have one when & if we need it, as I saw that you are trying to remember to do that also.

Have I got this correct?

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System Restore for Windows 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: System Restore for Windows 7   System Restore for Windows 7 Empty6/5/2015, 12:05

wcturner wrote:
Hey Repa,

I can't remember ever doing a System Restore since I've had Windows 7.  Recently I was going to do a SR in win 7, but, didn't have a restore point available that I wanted, so I passed on doing it.

I just read the problem Fay had "loading pages with upgraded internet service", it sounded like if I wanted to do a  System Restore using my Windows 7 I would experience problems with my Avast.  

It sounds like anyone with Windows 7 is required to set a daily System Restore Point if we expect to have one when & if we need it, as I saw that you are trying to remember to do that also.

Have I got this correct?


It shouldn't be like that with system restore, but I haven't found a solution to get around it. It seems to only set a restore point prior to an update, and not a daily automatic restore point. Yes, if you want restore points more often, you'll need to set one manually. You can experience problems with avast when resetting to an old restore point, but you can repair avast in the control panel by doing a repair instead of uninstall. At worst, you can download and install avast again.
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Royal Geek
Royal Geek

Number of posts : 1165
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System Restore for Windows 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: System Restore for Windows 7   System Restore for Windows 7 Empty6/5/2015, 18:48

Since I found out how system restore is now, I've been setting restore points manually twice a week at least, and at least glad I know now what to expect regarding Avast if doing an actual System Restore to go back....thanks again!
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