Posted for Jane:
I do not know if anyone has had this happen to them, but if so, here is a tip.
When shutting down the computer I got a "Search_Glow" End Program box. Program was not responding. For the life of me, I had no idea what this was, so I searched.
This has to do with the Live Tool Bar and the only way to get rid of it is to disable the tool bar. Well, if I am going to disable the tool bar I might just as well uninstall it. This I did.
Not only did I get rid of the "Search_Glow" problem but I have also noticed an increase in my computer speed.
Search_Glow is a java function. It can also cause crashes and/or freezes along with slowing up your computer.
I did like the toolbar, but I didn't like the problems. I had a few freeze episodes but put it down to having too many open windows. Now I will see if that changes also.