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 windows update - what to tell my neighbor

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3 posters
Royal Geek
Royal Geek

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windows update - what to tell my neighbor Empty
PostSubject: windows update - what to tell my neighbor   windows update - what to tell my neighbor Empty12/23/2009, 19:06

My neighbor was having problems with his computer. He thought he might have a virus and was not able to use his Norton to get rid of it - could not even run it. He took it to a local computer shop. They got to running and told him to NOT run windows update at all. They turned off the automatic updates he had set and told him to not even run it manually - that installing the updates was what caused the problem. So, they told him to not even install any of the critical updates.

He has windows-xp (sp-2 I think)

Repa, what is your opinion of that advice the computer shop gave him?

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Site Administrator
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PostSubject: Re: windows update - what to tell my neighbor   windows update - what to tell my neighbor Empty12/23/2009, 20:49

I'm not Repa... but even I would complain at the shop in my "3rd world" country about that shop... leave and not pay a cent!!!!!!!!!!!

Honestly... they did nothing, just a patch... a lame one excuse that is... how is it possible that a thecnical shop say that you can no longer do the regular things you once did???

Critical updates ARE important!!

(oh and btw... I am sure the virus is still there... so tell him to do no "sensitive" transactions)
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Royal Geek
Royal Geek

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windows update - what to tell my neighbor Empty
PostSubject: Re: windows update - what to tell my neighbor   windows update - what to tell my neighbor Empty12/23/2009, 23:04


I was shocked they would tell him that. I don't know what they actually did to his computer he didn't really know either, but he said it seems to be working ok now. I just can't imagine why they would not want hin to install at least the security updates.

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PostSubject: Re: windows update - what to tell my neighbor   windows update - what to tell my neighbor Empty12/24/2009, 00:15

Sounds idiotic to me. Tell your friend to get a router if he doesn't have one and install it, and then to register on the message board and follow the instructions in the Tutorials for Tut#6, 3, and 4 in that order. I would suggest that he replace Norton with Avast when he gets to that step in the tutorials. Then, do the Windows updates if no malware was found or found and successfully removed.

When finished with all the above, he may want to take a look at Tut#14.

Also, I wouldn't recommend he turn automatic updates back on. He should check periodically and do manual updates.
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Royal Geek
Royal Geek

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windows update - what to tell my neighbor Empty
PostSubject: Re: windows update - what to tell my neighbor   windows update - what to tell my neighbor Empty12/24/2009, 15:56


I talked to my neighbor, but he doesn't really want to do anything as long as his computer is working. Reason is, that he doesn't know where else to take his computer if he needs somthing fixed (we live in a small town and there are limited choices.) If he has more trouble I may see if I can get him to sign up on the board.

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Royal Geek
Royal Geek

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windows update - what to tell my neighbor Empty
PostSubject: Re: windows update - what to tell my neighbor   windows update - what to tell my neighbor Empty1/26/2010, 22:31

My neighbor decided to go ahead and install some of the high priority updates. He did a custom install from Microsoft update and was offered 4 or 5 high priority updates - that he told to install - they all failed.

One of them was KB958470. Tried it by itself, the install failed. I didn't get the exact message but it was something about the files from the package being incompatible with the files on his system.

He has windows xp home -sp2.

Any ideas?

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Site Administrator
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windows update - what to tell my neighbor Empty
PostSubject: Re: windows update - what to tell my neighbor   windows update - what to tell my neighbor Empty1/27/2010, 12:20

The update of the KB958470 sounds fine

I remember once an update of mine did not want to install... tried a few times with no avail, then I used CCcleaner, rebooted and tried the update again and it went smoothly with no conflicts.

One of the computer at home has windows xp home SP3 and I encounter no problems upgrading from SP1 to SP3... just dont like the few design aspects of it but it is running smoothly.
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Site Administrator
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PostSubject: Re: windows update - what to tell my neighbor   windows update - what to tell my neighbor Empty1/27/2010, 18:14

There is an 800 phone number given at:

where home users can get free support for this update, and probably the others as well. Your friend needs to have the exact reading of the error message that occurred when the installation failed.

Kind of sounds like his computer is still compromised by malware. Windows updates shouldn't fail like that. I still stand by my earlier advice above. He might do well to backup whatever files are important to him, reformat his hard drive and do a clean reinstall:
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Royal Geek
Royal Geek

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windows update - what to tell my neighbor Empty
PostSubject: Re: windows update - what to tell my neighbor   windows update - what to tell my neighbor Empty1/27/2010, 19:05

Sam, he does not have cccleaner and would probably not want to download or use it. I have had sp3 for quite some time and no problems due to it that I am aware of. However, the people at the shop where the takes his computer told him to NOT downdloaid it. He asked me if I thought that not having it would cause the update to fail. I told him I didn't think so becuase the requiremens said xp sp2 or xp sp3.

Repa, I will pass your information on to him.

I looked in my add/remove programs with show updates on. I don't see where I have that update but maybe overlooked it. I went to check on updates and it was not offered to me - but it was offered to him as a high priority update. I am not sure why the difference.

Thanks to you both.

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Site Administrator
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PostSubject: Re: windows update - what to tell my neighbor   windows update - what to tell my neighbor Empty1/27/2010, 21:50

Fay, that update was offered back in August 09, and it should be on your computer. Since he hasn't been doing updates, that's probably why he is getting it now.

Here's a microsoft link that gives you instructions on how to troubleshoot Windows Update installation issues:
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Royal Geek
Royal Geek

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PostSubject: Re: windows update - what to tell my neighbor   windows update - what to tell my neighbor Empty1/27/2010, 22:12


Thanks for the link. I saved it in favorites.

I already gave him the other link you supplied and he went out there but decided not to call. He said unless he has more problems he probably will not do anything.

We don't have a lot of choice of computer repair shops here where we live and if he ends up having to take it to a shop he is hesitant to take it back to where he did before since they told him to not install any updates.

But if he does have more trouble, I'll see if he wants me to come over and have us try following the instructions in the link you just supplied. And I am going to keep those instrucions in case I need them.

Thanks a lot.
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